Class 8 english grammar-Nouns-Unit-1-Lesson-2

Class 8 english grammar-Nouns-Unit-1-Lesson-2

Noun is one of the eight parts of speech. You must have read about noun in your previous classes. Do you remember what kinds of words nouns are? Read the story below and underline the nouns.


Bubbly was a rabbit who lived in the forest. He had many friends. He took pride in their friendship. One day Bubbly heard the loud barking of the wild dogs. As he was timid, he became afraid. He decided to ask for help. He quickly went to his friend, deer. He said: “Some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you drive them away with your sharp horns?” The deer said: “That is right, I can. But now I am busy. Why don’t you ask the bear for help?”Bubbly, the rabbit, ran to the bear. “My dear friend, you are very strong. Please help me. Some wild dogs are after me. Please chase them away,” he requested the bear. The bear replied: “I am sorry. I am suffering from hunger and weakness. I need to find some food. Please ask the monkey for help”. Poor Bubbly went to the monkey, elephant, goat and all his friends. Bubbly felt sad that nobody showed any interest to help him. He understood that he has to think of a way out. He hid under a bush. He lay there till the wild dogs went their way.

Look at some more examples of nouns

  • Names of people and profession: Alam, Rosy, teacher, doctor
  • Names of animals: rat, zebra, lion, tiger
  • Names of places: house, Dhaka, factory, school
  • Names of objects: table, camera, printer, computer
  • Names of materials: lead, nitrogen, water, ice
  • Names of qualities: kindness, beauty, bravery, faithfulness
  • Names of actions: rowing, cooking, driving, reading, listening Names of measures: minute, second, day, month, litre

Common nouns: These are the general names of people, places, things, or ideas. Examples: writer, city, park, religion.

Proper nouns: This type of noun has two features: i) It names a specific [usually a one-of-a-kind] item, and ii) It begins with a capital letter [no matter where it occurs in a sentence.] Examples: Rabindranath Tagore, Paris, Dhaka, Islam.

Common Noun Examples: writer, teacher, boy’, city, mango, school, book, table, car, water, milk, oil, music, art, literature, dog, woman.

Proper Noun Examples: Humayun Ahamed, Prof. Abdur Razzaque, Shubho, Khulna, Langra, Ideal High School, Sydney, Dr. Morgan, Atlantic Ocean, September, Tom, Argentina, Mercedes, Titanic, Dolli Crown, April, Russian, Oreo, Wimbledon, Burger King, Herman Miller, Janet, Simon, The President, Tuesday, Google.

Abstract Noun Examples: peace, conduct, speed, taste, warmth, courage, experience, evil, hospitality, leisure, time, liberty, Annoyance, Anxiety, Appetite, Apprehension, Argument, Artistry, Awareness, Awe, Beauty, Belief, Bravery, Brilliance, Brutality, Calm, Calmness, Care, Chaos, Charity, Childhood, Clarity, Cleverness, Coldness, Comfort, Communication, Company, Compassion, Confidence, Confusion, Death, Deceit, Dedication, Defeat, Delay, Delight, Democracy, Despair, Despair, Determination, Dexterity, Disquiet, Disregard, Disturbance, Divorce, Dream, Dreams, Education, Failure, Faith, Faithfulness, Faithlessness

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Concrete Noun Examples: Aircraft, Computer, Alligator, Cooker, Ankle, Costume, Apple, Couch, Bag, Desk, Ball, Doctor, Black, Factory, Boat, Father, Book, Film, Bow, Fish, Brass, Forest, Bulb Garage, Butter, Girl, Cafe, Grapes, Cap, Head, Chair, Heart, Cheese, Hospital, Chest, Host, Chicken Hotel, Clock, House, Coffee, Jersey.

Collective Noun Examples: army, audience, council, department, minority, board, faculty, crowd, family, navy, senate, class, farm, society, committee, group, team, jury, troupe, company, majority

Exercise 1
Read the following sentences in pairs and look at the italicized word in each sentence and say whether the italicized nouns are common, proper, collective or abstract.

1. Honesty is the best policy.
2. Solomon was famous for his wisdom.
3. A committee of five was appointed.
4. Jamil is a bright student.
5. Wisdom is better than riches.
6. I didn’t believe the clown’s story.
7. A teacher must have patience. 8. Cleanliness is next to godliness. 9. My sister is a doctor.
10. My family lives in that house.

Exercise 2
Circle the proper nouns and underline the common nouns in the following sentences:
1. To make cakes, we need eggs, flour, sugar, and butter.
2. Jafrin read Gulliver’s Travels last week.
3. Every Tuesday in June, my team takes part in a charity match.
4. Spelling Bee is my favorite show on television.
5. The Shishu Park is a place to visit with friends and parents.

Exercise 3
Circle the proper nouns and underline the collective nouns. (There are 10 all together.)
1. Junaid is the captain of the school cricket team.
2. My family is going to Kuakata on vacation.
3. I love the month of June because schools have holidays.
4. I want a computer for my birthday.

See also  তৈলচিত্রের ভূত গল্পের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর

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